

All of our clinics are booked by appointment. 

Patients are able to book appointments in multiple ways such as:

  • Via the NHS App
  • Via the SystmOnline App
  • By ringing reception on 01629 581 586
  • With one of our receptions over the receptiopn desk

When booking an appointment our reception team will ask for a breif description of the problem. This is to ensure that the patient is  being booked in with the correct clinician in order to receive the most efficiant and high quality care. 



*SystmOnline allows patients or someone acting on behalf of the patient to proactively manage their care. The online services available include the ability to view an online Electronic Medical Record (EMR) as well as booking appointments and managing medication. SystmOnline is available as an online service or via apps. To access SystmOnline you need to request at reception with photographic ID.

Telephone Advice

All clinical staff are happy to offer advice by telephone when a surgery appointment may not be required. 

If you would like telephone advice  or speask to a specific doctor the receptionist will ask for a contact number, a brief description of the problem and the doctor will phone back at the agreed date and time.

Home Visits

Training Practice

The practice contributes to the training of students training to be doctors, as well as nurses and other health care professionals. On occasion this may mean a consultation being witnessed by a student, or a student being involved in planning your care under the guidance of a doctor. 

Patients are always asked if they are happy for a student to be present during a consultation before it begins. It is always possible to make alternative arrangements to comply with patient preferences.

SMS service

We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmations, reminders and cancel your appointments texts.

Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.

Econsult - For NON URGENT enquiries

econsult banner

 Please click the imagine below to submit an econsult. Once you have filled out the necessary form this will be sent to the surgery. We aim to responde to your request within 5 working days. *Please note this is for non urgent enquiries*






Cancel an Appointment

It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient.

You can cancel you appoint via calling reception, via the NHS app or SystmOnline

Late For Your Appointment


If you require an interpreter to attend with you when you see your Doctor please notify the receptionist and they will arrange this for you.