Carers Advice
Derbyshire Carers Association
Derbyshire Carers Association (DCA) are the lead provider for carers services in Derbyshire. Commissioned by Derbyshire County Council and NHS to provide free support services for carers who look after a friend or family member who, due to illness, disability, mental health problems or an addiction cannot cope without their help and support. They offer support to both those who care for an adult and Young Carers. For more information
Call 01773 833833

Derbyshire Carers Association
Adult Care
Telephone: 01629 533190
For support at home, care home placements (respite and long-term), welfare rights advice, carers assessment

Citizens Advice Bureau
Telephone: 0300 456 8390
General advice on finance/ benefits, housing, employment etc
Too many older people feel they have no one to turn to for support. We exist to help older people when they need us the most.
Telephone: 01773 768240

Alzheimer's Society
Advice and support if you are caring for someone living with dementia
Telephone: 01246 223366
Ashgate Hospice
Hospice care provides pain relief and symptom control to people with any life-limiting illness as well as emotional, spiritual and social care and support. The majority of hospice care is delivered to patients in their own home.
Hospice care focuses on comfort and quality of life, rather than cure and is extended to loved ones.
Telephone: 01246 568801
Email: General

Living Well With Autism
Life can be confusing and overwhelming. At times we may all need some extra support.That’s why we’re here.
At Relate Derby and Southern Derbyshire we offer a wide range of services to help support you and the people around you.
Telephone: 01332 301305
Regular Workshops
Book Club – 1pm - Monthly - via zoom
Join our Book Club and receive a range of books to read. The group virtually meets up monthly for a cuppa and a chance to discuss the chapters read with fellow carers.
Make sure to book your place in advance to receive your books prior to the events.
Chair Based Yoga - 1.30pm – 2.15pm – Alternate Tuesdays - via zoom
Sessions for all abilities - something to get you moving around and having fun!
Take things at your own pace and exercise in the comfort and safety of your own home, along with other Carers online
Exercise Class – 1.30pm – 2.15pm – Alternate Fridays - via zoom
Sessions for all abilities - something to get you moving around and having fun!
Take things at your own pace and exercise in the comfort and safety of your own home, along with other Carers online
Gardening Group – Online - 11am – Monthly on Mondays - via zoom
We will be running an online gardening group once month with jobs to do in the garden that month and other topics pre-chosen by attendees .
Shared Reading Group – 1pm – 2pm - Alternate Wednesdays - via zoom
In a Shared Reading group, poems, articles and stories are read aloud and then we share our thoughts:
what we liked / didn’t like, what we’re reminded of, how a story or poem makes us feel...
The aim is to relax and enjoy the readings and conversations that follow. These groups are welcoming and informal and there is no pressure to participate in any particular way. You can read, listen, talk, ask questions or just observe.
Since 2017, the Shared Reading groups have taken place in different settings such as libraries, Derby College, supported housing and the Royal Derby Hospital.
Writing Group - 1pm - 2pm - Alternate Thursdays - via zoom
Join us on a Thursday for our online expressive writing workshop, facilitated by experienced Derby based writer Sophie Sparham. Sophie will guide you through different writing exercises to help you experience the benefits of expressive writing.
All activities are for Unpaid Carers registered with Derbyshire Carers Association only.
For more information and to book a place please contact Katie Matkin on 07773 173 416 or email
Music Session Friday 27th May @ 2pm - 3.15pm - via Zoom Try our mix and match music taster session! If you love music or have a passion for singing / movement to music, join us in a new zoom music session! On this workshop we will get together to enjoy some music related games / quizzes, have a singsong and share any fun music memories! Dementia Friends and Family Session Thursday 23rd June @ 10.30am-12.30pm - via Zoom FREE online friends and family sessions provide practical guidance for unpaid Carers supporting somebody with Dementia in the Derbyshire area only! To book your FREE place, visit https:// Please contact if you have any questions or phone 01245 237548 Manual Handling Training Friday 1st July @ 10.30am-12.30pm - Chesterfield Venue: St Thomas Centre, Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield, S40 3AW Join us in a face-to-face training session on Manual Handling. This session will focus on the safe movement principles, technique and demonstrations along with general advice on moving and handling. You will also leave with a booklet to look back on the topics we have covered. Please make sure to book your place, as spaces are limited. Understanding Anxiety - Coping Strategies Monday 6th June @ 1.30pm - via Zoom We live in a world of system overload and technology stimulation where we rarely get five minutes to ourselves to stop and decompress - busy, busy, busy has become the dominating factor. We find our mind tugged this way and that by the competing demands of work, family, relationships and life events happening. The mind-body system reacts to this chaos resulting in chronic stress, anxiety and depression. This is our mindbody system telling us to STOP. This workshop will explore the nature of anxiety and give practical strategies to manage it better. Cyber, Fraud and Scams Awareness Wednesday 13th July @ 5pm - via Zoom Join us on Zoom in learning how to stay safe online. Learn how to protect yourself from being a victim in the recent cybercrimes, fraud and scams in your area. Being aware and making our loved ones aware of scams is preventing us from becoming a victim. Come along and talk to a professional, ask questions and stay safe! Limited Activities First Aid Training Monday 18th July @ 2pm - 3pm - via Zoom This informative, online First Aid training session will allow you to ask a range of questions and receive medical advice from an NHS paramedic, all from the comfort of your own home. If you are interested and will require information on specific medical conditions, please specify this prior to the session to ensure correct research and accurate answers can be provided. Rhubarb Farm Tuesday 19th July @ 10am - 3pm - Nether Langwith Rhubarb Farm CIC, Hardwick Street, Langwith, Nether Langwith, Mansfield, NG20 9DR Derbyshire Carers Association have arranged for a group of Carers to attend an exciting day out at Rhubarb Farm! The day will start at 10am where you will take part in various activities. Including - crafts, seed sowing, meeting the animals and having a tour of the farm, followed by a lunch and a chance to catch up with other Carers. This activity will finish at 3pm. Limited spaces are available so please be sure to get in touch to secure your place and to make us aware of any dietary requirements. Tuesday 7th June @ 8.30am - 6pm - Wingerworth Come along to our Carers Drop In Session and have a chat with Derbyshire Carers Association about the support available to you as a Carer. Wingerworth Medical Centre, Allendale Road Wingerworth Chesterfield S42 6PX No appointment needed, Please call Heather Aitken for further information 01773 833833
Parent and Carer Autism online drop-ins |
The Autism Information and Advice Service will be running parent-carer sessions and drop-ins over the coming months. |