Clinics We Offer

Chronic Disease Management
The practice operates recall systems to ensure that patients with ongoing medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, or asthma are offered regular supervision. The check-ups for these conditions are undertaken in regular surgery appointments by the doctors and some of the practice nurses. Many of the checks require blood tests to be taken by the health care assistants about two weeks prior to the review appointment.

Minor Surgery
Skin surgery is undertaken in the treatment room at the surgery by Anya Grist our Advanced Clinical Practitioner. Any patients who feel they may benefit from this service are asked to make an appointment with Anya Grist to enable appropriate arrangements to be made.

Family Planning
Our nurses are able to offer advice on a variety of contraceptive measures. We also hold Coil and Implant clinics at the surgery wiht our experienced ACP.
All contraception discussions and checkds can be booked by calling the surgery and speaking to a receptionist.

MSK Practitioner
Sam and Matt are MSK Practitioners at the practice and have clinics here on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. They deal with patients who have problems with back, neck, shoulder, hand, knee, ankle and all other muscle related complaints and pains. Sam and Matt can offer different solutions such as physiotherapy and referrals for MRI/x-ray.
Patients can also self refer to Zoom physio - click here for further information

Maternity Services
Ante natal care is supervised by midwives based at the Darley Birthing Centre attached to the Whitworth hospital, this is also where most of the routine appointments take place. Patients who find they are pregnant should register their pregnancy through Whitworth website The midwives will then arrange an appointment. Dating and other scans are arranged at Chesterfield Royal Hospital. The midwives will discuss the options available for delivery of the baby, and also arrange appropriate post natal care at home.

Whitworth Hospital
All of the partners hold clinical assistant posts at Whitworth hospital, the local community hospital for the Matlock area. This means that they are involved in supervising the medical care of patients from the practice and elsewhere during their admission to Whitworth.
Patients can also be referred to Whitworth as outpatients for physiotherapy or to have routine X-rays performed. A urgent treatment centre is also situated at Whitworth which patients can attend for help with relatively straightforward urgent care. The minor injuries is open 8am - 8pm you can contact them by calling 111 for an appointment or calling 01629 580211.
The community nursing team are also located at the Whitworth Hospital. To contact them please call them on 01332 564900. The District Nursing team are responsible for managing patients in the community who cannot attend surgery. They also check up on patients who have recently been discharged from hospital for wound care etc.

We have our in house counceller Chris who holds a clinic at the surgery every friday. If you would like to book a slot with Chris please call reception on 01629 581 586
Counselling can be arranged by self referring or a referral from one of the clinical staff. Counselling can be helpful in dealing with issues like:
- Bereavement and loss,
- Relationship and personal problems,
- Family Problems;
- Work and unemployment issues;
- Stress;
- Anxiety and Depression;
- Emotional Problems.
Counselling is not about giving advice. It is intended to help people become more aware of their own resources, find options, and make choices that are right for them.